
The playlist is at 2.5 hours so now is a great time to request an artists or songs. Just post a comment on the Little 150 FB site and i’ll pick it up. You can also bring your ixxxx device and we’ll play your list at the event


Ridiculously fun night at the Marymoor Velodrome last friday

The highlight of the night was socializing and watching Tyler Farrar tear it up at the Velodrome. What is just a night of training for him was a once in a lifetime chance to rub elbows for some of us. It was great to see some of the local talent put on some strong attacks! Some of us punters in the Cat 4 got some pre-season work in, including me. see the video of the points race in the right column links… i’ll try to gather more as the season goes on



Team Size?

I have been asked by several people how big a team do I need or how big can it be?


Well, its in the race bible but to save some time. 1 or more, 4 is the sweet spot! You can have 8 if you want. You can do it solo. If you want over 8, talk to me and we’ll find a way to make it work


We have chips!


Not those … helmet timing chips! Your team will have coupled timing chips for scoring. Hopefully we’ll also get individual laps times as well. You will get real time scoring on a digital leaderboard as you cross the line





We now have music for the pit area! You can trust me to pick a good playlist (not recommended), make a request, or bring you own i____ music playlist and sub in your device. Make your request now and i’ll order your tunes and add them in!

Jimmy Johnson's pit crew

Single Speed???

SSIf a team wants to race this single speed you will earn our undying admiration and i’ll try to come up with something special for you! I’ve never used more than 2-3 gears on flats night anyway so I think this is pretty possible. If you want to mock it up by taping off a cassette i’ll go for that as well. You’ll still need brakes and no fixie please